Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Technical Aspects:

Anything from the last 10 years will be fine, although even longer could still be sufficient.

Not as of right now but we are considering this option.

All emails will have an unsubscribe link at the bottom. Click to unsubscribe.

Login to your account and change the email in your account settings.

Course Information:

The child and youth courses are intended for ages 5 -16 as an approximate guide and can be used for older and younger children. Please see the information on our course page

Yes we provide a separate course for adults, parents and educators. These concur with the school curriculum and provided for free when a children’s course is purchased, or can be purchased as a separate package. Please see our adult course page for more information

Yes we provide group and school discounts. The lesson videos can be use to support learning at home and in the classroom. Our parent/adult course can be used for lesson planning and teacher training, to help adults upskill their knowledge base. Please contact us directly for group enquiries using the contact form on the

The Book of Knowledge lessons do not contain direct fiqh lessons. Other books from the Ghazali children’s project do describe aspects of worship in great detail. In the few instances where necessary, differences related to schools of fiqh are clearly stated in supplementary texts and lessons (the book text for these few lessons state Shafi fiqh). There are very few lessons where this is needed. The books of Imam al Ghazali teach mainstream traditional sunni Islam.

The Radiant Hearts lessons are planned directly from the Ghazali children’s books and curriculum information and adapted by our teaching team to a suitable format. Most of the lessons and activities relate to tried and tested methods from our own on site teaching base in the UK.

Full information about our staff members can be viewed on our staff page

Yes – there is fortnightly live session for children and youth separate from the recorded lessons. These will commence after Ramadan 2021.

A recording of the live session will be made available to view.

The groups have been named after the cities that Imam al Ghazali visited or lived in.

My children started the course, but couldn’t finish. What can I do?
A new weekly lesson is made available weekly from the day of registration till the end of the course. Your access to lessons will remain active for 12months beyond the final lesson upload.

Payment Information:

Card payment using the Stripe system.

No you do not, as the payment system is integrated.

Card payment using the Stripe system.

Yes, please see  Stripe system for further information.

Yes, please get in touch with support, where they can help you with a discount.

Yes we do offer discounts for homeschool groups. Please enquire directly using the contact form on the website

Refunds or cancellations can only be issued if:

  • – you have requested it within the 14 days;
  • you have not accessed (or attempted to complete) any part of the paid course.

We would recommend you peruse the free taster lesson package for a full insight into the course (for all ages) before signing up. No payment details are requested for access to the taster package.

The 14 day period begins- If you purchased before the course started, on the first day of that course run; OR if you purchased after the course run started, on the day you made the purchase. Once your access to the course has been removed, you will not be able to access any part of the course.

We do not currently offer gift certificates.

Yes – discounts are shown on the sign up page.


We welcome and value your feedback to help us further enhance our provision. Please email

Each book is taught as a stand alone course. We are currently completing the provision for the book of knowledge, which is a 40 week course. There are 6 books in total of different lengths.

The intended time to complete the lesson each week is an hour. This includes the video lessons and the activity. However the learning from the lesson and the virtue of the week are intended for practice throughout the week as a family as a step by step spiritual and character development programme.

Radiant Hearts students receive the entire workbook PDF for free to print. While the text is shared in the lesson video and hence the course can be completed without the textbook, we would highly recommend parents buy the textbook as the content and quality of the textbooks directly enhance the learning experience, and facilitate review at home. The books are also available as PDFs. Upon signup, students will receive a discount code for purchase of the book/ebook directly from Fons Vitae. Alternatively books can be purchased from other booksellers detailed on the website

The Ghazali Children’s project has been directly endorsed by numerous scholars around the world. These can be reviewed on The Ghazali Children’s project website and social media platforms.

Prior knowledge is not assumed. However if you have an older child with limited islamic knowledge we would recommend you peruse the sample lessons to determine the most suitable course level to choose.